Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Supplement and Vitamins do better than harm for athletes: reveals a research at Yale

It has always been hard times for athletes who really take their daily routines to the extremes. Yet, there have always been choices that reflect all that an athlete needs to get the better for their physique and performance. But, with the recent times, there has been numerous rumors that have gone rounds indicating the side-effects and other issues relating to the vitamins and supplements that are commonly used time and again.

According to a Discovery Magazine, there are only a few of the best supplements for health that have been on the safe list in many countries. But, the issues and problems indicated have nothing confirmative and remain baseless. In fact, a recent study at Yale University has indicated that supplements and vitamins do more good that any kind of harm on your body. Incredibly, it is common that these vitamins and minerals supplements are totally the same constituents that our body extracts from the food we consume in our daily lives. So, any rational thought on indicating the harm of these supplements is indeed baseless and cannot hold ground based on the medical observations
Incredibly as with the best vitamins and supplements, there has been quite a lot of athletes who have been successful on different platforms from heavy sport such weightlifting to endurance sports as cycling. In fact, these supplements do take care of the need of the body, when actually the body is deprived of these essential nutrients due to some or the other reasons that make the body extract the needed vitamins and minerals from our normal intake of food. Moreover, athletes make a great deal of effort to keep pace with the performance. So, generally, at any given instant of action, there is a lot happening in your body that needs an assurance with the flow of essential nutrients such as vitamins and bodily minerals. Hence, there is no reason on why vitamins and minerals could really harm your health in whatsoever ways as being rumored.

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